I could have potentially saved a few thousand lives in the UK alone, as well as those of some prostitutes. Sadly the UK government has had other ideas, it’s even gone to Ministerial level via my MP.

How? Through technology.

We also could be in a position whereby children are not learning from mobile phones and tablets, with less stigma against people with serious mental health problems (they’re all violent apparently, it’s been on Eastenders so it must be true).

It’s not just contracting to run services for people. It’s also a Ministry of Justice Freedom of Information request and some code to be used by others.

I hope this isn't seen as self promotion, I'm genuinely asking for advice here.

I’ve written / submitted code and apps which could have:

OK so maybe government departments would be wary of giving contracts to new companies, unless they’re Tory donors of course. Here’s the situation.

I wrote a virtual queue app before lock down began, this could have reduced the cross infection rate in hospitals by negating the requirement of people with Covid 19 to sit next to each other in first come / first served queues. Bear in mind people at blood test clinics are more likely to have underlying health difficulties.

Now obviously running core services to the NHS might be a problem. I couldn’t even GIVE them the code to run on their own servers. I also offered it at cost as, unlike some people I don’t want to profit off the NHS whilst nurses are using food banks.

The virtual queue display is at www.nextplease.live

Have they tried it? they haven’t even created an account.

This could have, at 12.5% of Covid cases caught in hospitals, reduced that amount by half, or the death toll by 8,100 in the UK alone.

I contacted my local Labour MP abut this, Ellie Reeves, who raised it with Matt Hancock.

Apparently I missed the Covid-19 deadline for technology for the NHS.

Right... response below.

Minister response to next

Email from an NHS trust saying “yeah, you’re in” below.

Sehta response to next

Having met a sex worker who was a barmaid at a pub (note I’ve never been a client to any), I learnt of a scheme set up by the home office called ugly mugs. This allows sex workers to notify other sex workers, via text, if a client is abusive etc. Currently they get text warnings.

I wrote some code to flash up a warning if the clients number is logged on their servers when a blacklisted client calls a sex worker. This is just code, I’m not running it, just submitting the code for use by the scheme.

Ugly mugs confirmation

Years later nothing back.

So we tried again, amongst writing other web sites / apps.

This time a scheme to allow people with spare computers to send them to children who need them, who might be learning from a mobile phone or tablet at the time.

I've been told to contact my local schools regarding a service which a teacher friend insists should be whitelisted by the department for education.

www.demo.computerstoschools.com < demo version.

www.computerstoschools.com < live version.

Again I wrote to my MP, to get the following response.

Minister response to c2s

Then an FOI case to see if people with schizophrenia are more dangerous than the average person...

Ministry o Justice FOI request

That's not even tech related.

So the NHS knows who has been incarcerated? Right.

The ministry of justice have these statistics here , on those coming off meds compared to those undiagnosed, the data set I'm asking for is less detailed than this, so that seems like a lie to me.

So yes, I do have mental health problems. However, that doesn't mean anything when I’m writing code. I have an experienced contact running servers. The only reason we can think of as to why this is happening is … I may say something the tories dislike.

That’s thousands of people now dead, probably a few dead prostitutes, kids still doing their coursework on 5 inch screens and more stigma to people with schizophrenia, all preventable but blocked with no reason given on software not even tested, just a brush off to a separate department / organisation from 4 government departments who all know their remit.

Any ideas on what I do people?


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