6 months interactive web site design course.

One evening per week (Mondays or thursdays), free introduction.

Will be based in Beckenham or close by.

Registering to get an idea of numbers.

by the end of this course you will have built your own dynamic website.

  • What is Django? Used by youtube and spotify, Django is a framework allowing your to build interactive web pages without reinventing the wheel.
  • IDEs Programs to help you code (includes setup)
  • Git. The version control system how to store your code and view previous revisions.
Introduction to web page layout.
  • The HTML format and syntax How web pages are designed.
  • CSS, web page stying parameters How web pages are styled.
  • introduction to bootstrap web page styling. Templated units to style responsive web pages easily.
Python, a core programming language.
Python can be used for applications, data analysis, game development and AI.
  • The python shell. How to run python commands in terminal.
  • Variables. Values which alter over a program's execution.
  • Control structures. Logical constructs of application flow.
  • Methods Functions to run units of code self contained.
  • Classes Units Functions and variables with their own state.
Django, a content management system for producing interactive web pages.
  • Settings.py file. Global settings for the django program execution.
  • Virtual environments. A self contained environment containing the resources your program needs.
  • Plugins. How to use plugins to perform common tasks.
  • The model view controller architecture. The abstraction of database entries (the model), the website presentation (the view) and the application logic (the controller).
  • Database objects. How to allocate space in the database for it's entries.
  • Migrating databases. How to update the database layout to store your entries over time.
  • The controller how to save and get from the database.
  • The controller how to pass variables to the view.
  • Forms. how to present forms in the view.
  • Forms. how to save forms and get data from them.
  • Form validation How to validate forms before being passed to the controller.
  • Processing models in the view. Looping over models and if / then flows.
Deploying to live servers.
  • Uploading your code. Get your code on a remote managed server.
  • System propertiesAttaching database and linking your web domain name
  • docker imagesAdjusting deployed images to use extended system functionality.
Where can you go from here?

Once you know one programming language it becomes easier to learn others.

Cost: 2 hour sessions at £25.

Why so cheap?

I was lucky, I had the resources to go to University. Not everybody does.

Bi weekly sessions at a venue to be decided.

Course prerequisites:

  • An interest in IT
  • A familiarity with your machine
  • The ability to install programs
  • The ability to troubleshoot simple problems.
  • A laptop (any OS) to work on.*

Raspberry Pi 400 available at under £100 pounds if you do not have a laptop
I can help out with it's OS.

Rob Brew.

Msc Advanced computer Science (Merit (2:1))

Available to people over 16.

Email: [email protected] to register interest.

My digital business card.